2015 New Release Roses
For 2015 we have some brand new roses to Limestone Coast Roses with Lady Phelia, Cystic fibrosis “65 Roses” (proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis) and The Archbishop.
As well as new roses we’ve also re-released some old favourites such as The RSL Rose since it’s the 100th year centenary.
bengali rose
A compact apricot floribunda rose with masses of fragrance and disease resistance, just what we have been waiting for! Prolific bloomer with fully petalled flowers and has won numerous medals for its perfection.
Size: 1m high x 0.5m wide, great for pots or hedges.

black caviar rose - national jockeys trust
Black Caviar re-released
We released this in 2012 and it was outsold and many missed out, and again in 2013. Order early to avoid disappointment as we have hundreds of orders from last year to fill. Deep, blackcurrant / burgundy blooms with a velvety appearance darkening to black in the centre. Huge perfume and as much a winner as its name sake !
Part Proceeds from the sale of Black Caviar go to the National Jockeys Trust

bright as a button rose
Following in the footsteps of “Eyes for You” and “Paeony” Rose this fantastic rose has masses of pink/magenta petals fading towards the centre to a distinct eye of deep crimson. Extremely disease resistant and a medal winner in Europe.
Bush, patio and standard varieties.
Size: 1m x 1m.

cystic fibrosis "65 roses"
A lovely long stemmed cutting rose opening apricot and softening to cream. Fragrant blooms that can be single of multiple per stem.
Size: 1.5m high.
Proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis.

dream chaser
Strongly perfumed rich pink blooms smother this compact floribunda. Masses of flowers from October to March atop lush green foliage. Great cutting rose for a floribunda.

dune clg
Vigorous , upright climber to 3m. This Delbard rose is a great choice in lemon – yellow shades. It has the renown fragrance of Delbard’s French roses. Repeat flowering.

england's rose (auslounge)
Rich, glowing pink clusters smother this bush and standard rose alike ! The outer petals rill back to reveal a button “eye” centre around frilled edged petals. Highly disease resistant and unusually long flowering from October to winter. Has been awarded lots of commendations for its performance in Australia and is graced with a strong rose perfume as well as rain resistant blooms. Ideal shrub or hedge rose growing approx.. 1.5 m high x 1m wide.
Order early as this one is sure to sell out fast judging by the numbers of orders we have already.

fairy dust
A compact shrub rose, similar to The Fairy only growing 50-60cm, so great as a border or edging rose, in pots or parterres.
Double pure white flowers with a perfume of violets. Sure to be a winner!

for your eyes only
Another Outstanding release winning Rose of the year in the UK. Smothered in sunset shades of pink, peach and apricot this single rose with characteristic eye in the centre is a great shrub rose for hedges and borders.
Bush and standard varieties.
Size: 1m x 1m.

gallipoli centenary rose
In commemoration of the 1915 landing at Gallipoli. Rich, velvet red blooms on glossy disease resistant foliage. Has won international gold medals for its fantastic attributes. $1.00 from each sale to Anzac Education in schools.
Size: 1.2m high.

gift of friendship
Chosen by Inner Wheel Australia to raise awareness of Cord Blood Research and $1.00 from each rose will go to this worthy cause.
This compact growing cherry red floribunda is smothered in fragrant blooms atop lush foliage. Award winning for its attributes. Great in pots too!
Bush and standard varieties.

lady phelia
A great rose from its parentage “Abraham Darby’ but more compact, slightly pinker and does not hang its head. Australian bred. Intense perfume and full of petals like a David Austin English Rose.
New to Limestone Coast Roses.

little ray of sunshine
Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) has chosen this rose to raise funds for this extremely important start to a baby’s life! Bright yellow blooms, soften to lemon on the edges with a really heady fragrance.
Ideal cut flower variety or for pots. Part proceeds from the sale to ABA.
Bush, patio standard and full standard varieties.

love you
Who couldn’t say Love You with this Rose ? Very fragrant, pointed buds unfurl to rich pink blooms with a silvery reverse. Lush, dark disease free foliage on a compact bush.
Size: Up to 1m.

man of steel
Compact growing “mini flora” with masses of lavender to lilac blooms in clusters.
Strong perfume, ideal for pots or small spaces where a big wow is wanted!!

Mandarin ice
Another interesting compact rose with reddy- orange petals with creamy white reverse. Award winning for its dark, glossy disease resistant foliage and compact growth. Ideal in a border, edging or as a pot rose.
Size: About 80cm.

marmalade skies clg
A wonderful sport of its name sake and certainly one to plant if you are looking for that rich orange colouring that is so hard to find in a climbing rose.
We were one of the first to release this bush rose in Australia to much acclaim many years ago and we are certain this climbing form will be equally as well sought after!

mikado rose
A bushy, disease free modern polyantha roses, known for their masses of blooms all season. This New variety has old gold blooms and an amazing perfume. Ideal mass planted or hedge.
Bush and standard varieties available.
Size: 1m. high and wide.

Wow, this really is interesting as though someone has folded the petals in to a square shape. Florists and cut flower lovers will be out in force for this one! Red tipped, white perfumed petals great disease resistance. Medal winner.

pink champagne
Clusters of up to 60 large blooms cover this compact floribunda! Lush green foliage ideal for hedges, borders or mass plantings. Simply stunning ! Will run rings around Bonica as a standard.
Bush and standard varieties.

purple glow
Another compact floribunda with beetroot purple blooms in double layers followed by golden central boss of stamens. Masses of flowers that “self clean” leaving a neat looking plant.
Bush and standard varieties.
Size: 90cmx 90cm.

red rosy hedge
This is really a mounding ground cover rose that could suit low hedges or in pots. Masses of double cherry red blooms adorn this plant.
Size: 50cm x 50cm.

summer sun
Pointed double blooms in a colour hard to describe! Soft pink petals change to almost salmony – orange with a creamy – lemon reverse. Certainly stands out and has won awards for its excellence.
Size: 1m x 1m.

sweet senses
We loved this rose under its former name ”Indian Summer” and has been relaunched this year quite cleverly by “Senses Australia” (SA) to celebrate their 120th year. Part proceeds to Senses Australia.
Quick repeat flowering , hybrid tea with masses of brass apricot blooms softening to apricot – fawn.
Size: 1.2m.

the archbishop
Dusky pink blooms on long stems with a lighter reverse. Good perfume. Hardy rose.

the opportunity rose
Another charity rose this time for pancreatic cancer Research. Rich shades from copper that do not fade making this a must have for its colouring alone along with sweet fragrance.
Compact grower with good disease resistance.
Bush and standard varieties available.
Part proceeds to Pancreatic Cancer Research.

the rsl rose
“Lest we forget” – re released in 2015. Even though this rose has been out for a few years we thought it fitting to include in this 100th year centenary. Rich burgundy buds unfurl to a rich dark red with golden sun undertones. Proceeds to RSL from the sale of these roses.

veterans honour
Named in honour of our war veterans to mark the 100th centenary.
Exquisite deep red almost black buds open in to a very high centred pointed bud hybrid tea rose. Rich bright red blooms atop lush foliage. “Named to remember the courage and sacrifice of our service men and women”.

wedding bells
A compact growing hybrid Tea to 1m. Large,many petalled, clear silvery pink blooms smother this plant making it a cut flower growers dream. Stunning perfume and certainly befitting of any Wedding Bouquet !
Bush and standard varieties available.

Are you ready to order?
When you are ready to order head accross to the roses order form page and fill out the form there, Or follow the instructions on how to print off and send a mail order to us!