2020 New Release roses
We’re adding roses to the new and re-released roses for 2020 section and we’re ready to take orders.
– David Austin’s new release
Exquisitely beautiful, strongly fragrant blooms of
Peachy pink buds opening to beautiful, white, chalice-shaped blooms, with a pinkish hue. The incurved petals create an arresting interplay of light and shadow.
The strong Old Rose fragrance has hints of almond blossom, cucumber and lemon zest. It forms a most attractive neat, rounded, bushy shrub ideal for borders or in large pots near the house where the perfume will pervade the surroundings. Named after the tragic heroine of Shakespeare’s Othello.

Silver medal winning for its most fragrant. This richly perfumed floribunda has beautifully cupped flowers of intense lilac – pink softening with age. A compact grower to 80 cm by 50cm is ideal for pots and borders or mass planting.

Cumberland clg
Full petalled, rich red shrub, pillar or climbing rose and lovely lush foliage are the outstanding features. Can be grown in a large pot in a rose tower or obelisk.

Barock clg
A tall shrub rose or pillar rose and can be grown as a moderate climber. Strongly perfumed classic blooms change colour as they age from pinky- apricot to peach. Excellent disease resistance and not overly thorny so ideal for arches and arbours.

Elysium Fields
A very full, double flower with an almost quartered appearance that are becoming popular in modern Floribunda roses. Salmon- pink with lemony yellow undertones as the flower ages. Fantastic in humid areas of the country with a light perfume. Grows to around 1.3- 1.5 m tall.

Masses of crisp white camellia like blooms with yellow stamens and compact growth make this an ideal border/hedging rose against lush green foliage. Perfumed.

Take it Easy
Rich velvety red petals with lilac-pink reverse petals gives this an unusual two tone effect. Pointed, hybrid tea blooms are made up of a larger than normal amount of petals, making this a big rose 12 – 15 cm in diameter.

Iced Vovo
lipstick pink petals in tight clusters are reflexed with cream reversed petals somewhat similar to an Iced Vovo in colour.

Double, almost quartered blooms of apricot fading out to cream on the edges of the petals as it reflexes.

Princess Claire of Belgium
Sweetly scented warm pink flowers are produced all season long. Carried on an upright growing plant reaching 1m tall by around 60 cm wide, so ideal for narrow border or hedges and in tight garden beds where a narrow plant is needed.
Incredibly strong perfume are knockout in the garden and again in pots near a terrace or pergola area.
A calming colour in the border or put it in a decent size pot to bring some perfume and elegance to your patio.

Persian Eyes
A fantastic addition to the range of hulthemia hybrids that we have been growing for the past few years begining with ‘For Your Eyes Only’ , ‘Bright As A Button ‘with the characteristic eye in the centre of the flower with deep pink petals in a semi- double formation.

Queensland Gold
Hand painted looking edges in fuchsia pink on old gold blooms that are tightly budded. Hardy Australian bred floribunda rose.

Life of the Party
Soft pearly pink outer petals with soft lemon centres unfurling in mass clusters.

A stunningly vibrant coloured rose that ages to browns and “espresso” colours and an unusual shade in the rose and plant world. This compact growing bush has masses of blooms over an extended period opening to bright yellow stamens which vibrant against the petals. Lovely glossy disease resistant foliage, ideal for a border or pot also due to its compact habit.

Frida Kahlo
a welcome addition to striped and flecked roses, this time
with intense raspberry colouring flecked red on the outer petals, with
apricot/gold centre and deep pink splashes named after the eccentric artist but
you don’t have to have these flowers in your hair.

Clusters of peony like blooms smother this stunningly
perfumed rose. Mid to pale pink blooms are great cut flowers. Very disease

Lavender Ice
Large flowered floribunda rose in a silvery- lilac colouring adorn this compact bush and don’t fade out. Spicy perfume make this compact grower ideal for pots also and has lush, disease resistant leaves.

A stunning, new cerise to hot pink flowering variety of Thornless rose.
Long smooth stems are ideal for cut flowers and those who have to be careful with thorns. Proceed of all Smooth Touch roses goes to Cancer Council.

It’s Magic
It certainly is ! Rich raspberry stripes and flecks on a pure white background that ages to lemon from the centre out – making it quite magical. This bloom very showy and perfumed ! A must for lovers of the striped roses.

Follow Your Dreams
You wont forget to follow your dreams with this exciting 2020 new release Rose from Limestone Coast Roses. This is one of the most stunning bush roses we have seen in recent times. Luminous , rich pink ,pointed blooms are set off magnificently again the glossy green foliage. This is a quick , repeat blooming long stemmed rose perfect for cut flowers over a long period. Cutting them as long stems is highly recommended as this rose will keep on rewarding you with more and more blooms. Ideal as a specimen rose in the garden or pots

Manuel Canovas
Another fantastic perfumes Generosa Rose from France, boasting crisp white blooms with a hint of lemon in centre atop glossy green foliage and only growing to 1- 1.5 m tall. Ideal hedging rose along the lines of William Christie (see main photo above right) Fast repeat bloomer. Named after the well know interior designer

Smooth Sweet Jessica
Another wonderful addition to the Smooth stem range of roses that are completely thornless.

Good As It Gets (bush)
We released this last year as a Standard rose to much acclaim and now we are happy to release this stunning rose in its bush form. Rich crimson blooms adorn this compact growing bush with masses of blooms

Jazz Festival
Delicate apricot buds open to reveal salmon pink edges

Another of the new releases that we are seeing with Old World rose shaped flower along the lines of David Austins’s English Roses.
Fully, double ruffled blooms of magenta- purple ageing as they unfurl.

Smooth Claudia
Dusky pink old world blooms with scalloped and frilled edges almost like a paeony. Thornless stems are ideal for those on blood thinners or thin skin or those who simply don’t like the idea of thorns

No Surrender – Purple
Red floribunda with a gold reverse growing to 1.4 m tall. Named in honour of the 80th anniversary of the Siege of Tobruk in April 2021. $2 from the sale of each rose will be donated to Descendants of the Rats of Tobruk Australia Association Inc.

Are you ready to order?
When you are ready to order head across to the roses order form page and fill out the form there, Or follow the instructions on how to print off and send a mail order to us!