Table Grapes
We are proud to offer a huge range of white, red and rose
eating grapes both Bare rooted in winter (dormant) and potted all year round as
well the stunning Ornamental Grape Vine “Tinto”. We can include bare rooted
stock in with bare rooted roses orders (subject to quarantine) and potted vines
can be posted/ couriered all year round. We do get inundated with order due to
our our great range, so ordering early in April/ May is always better but
we try to have stock available all the year round.
Wine Grapes
Our selection of wine grapes is quite exceptional and we
offer these both Bare rooted in winter (Dormant) and potted the all year round.
We can include bare rooted stock in with fruit tree, ornamental tree and grape
orders as they don’t take up much room and potted stock can be posted/
couriered all year round. We do get inundated with orders because of our great
range, so ordering early in April/ May will guarantee winter supply, but we do
try to have the entire range available year round.
Table Grapes
Large firm, reddish-blue fruit with a mild muscat and labruska flavour, seeded and a heavy bearer. Early maturing.
Large oval yellow-white berries, seeded. The berries have a tough skin with a firm & juicy pulp. Pleasant tasty. Late maturing.
A medium ripening red table grape from Serbia. It has a medium growing season.
Autumn Black
A mid-late maturing black seeded grape. The berries are large with pale yellow green flesh. The flavour is good with a sweet taste.
Autumn Royal
Seedless, large, elongated purple-black berry with a crunchy skin, firm texture, and a pleasant, distinctive flavour. Late matunng.
Huge berries on large bunches, seeded, purple-black with a sweet, crisp taste. Good mid season maturing market variety.
Beogradska Besemena
White table grape with seedless to soft seeds from Serbia. Berries are medium large to large and oblong; skin is thin, yellow green; pulp is firm, of pleasant flavour and the bunches are large and loose.
Beauty Seedless
Reddish black, sultana size berries that matures early-mid season. Black Hamburg: Large soft berries, with a muscat flavour. Early-mid season.
Black Lady Finger
(Purple Cornichon) Clusters of elongated berries, with thick purple skin and soft, juicy flesh and seeds. Mid-late maturing.
Black Malaga
Medium-sized black seeded berries. Good autumn foliage. Mid season.
Black Muscat
Good muscat flavour, oval berries. Early season.
Black Prince
Large open bunches, vigorous vine. Mid season.
Black Sultana
Seedless reddish-black grape ripens two weeks later than White Sultana. Early-mid season.
Blush Seedless
Red crisp grape, general characteristics of Emperor but a brighter red colour and also ripening early-mid season with a large well filled in compact bunch. Oval berries with good shipping qualities. Bunch thinning is recommended when over cropping.
Brown Muscat
(Muscat Rouge) Good eating Frontignac style grape. Seeded, brownish red berries can be used in wine production.
Good dessert variety, large white berries with solid skin. Similar to Ohanez. Matures late.
Canadian Muscat
Passion-fruit muscat flavour, white berries excellent for juice, mid season.
American bred flavoured red seedless. Early maturing.
Seedless grape similar to sultana, large bunches. Very crisp marketing variety. Early maturing.
Cannon Hall Muscat
Golden colour with large oval berries. Mild muscat flavour. Early-mid season.
Excellent dessert variety, large fleshy red fruit. Mid season.
Carina Currant
Small black seedless grape, suitable for drying into currants, larger than Zante Currant.
Carolina Blackrose
Black medium oval berries firm & juicy flavour. Mildew resistant. Mid season.
Centennial Seedless
White variety with large berries. Firm flesh, crack resistant and a mild muscat flavour. Well filled bunches up to 30cm long. Early maturing
Dessert grape, black berries with bright red juice, low growing with brilliant red autumn foliage. Early-mid season.
Christmas Rose
Large bunches with large well coloured red seeded berries. Tear drop shape, very crisp, crack resistant berries with a high sugar content and a neutral flavour. Mid season.
Medium size round black, strawberry flavour, used widely for jams & juicing. Mid season.
Coral Seedless
New introduction for us in 2022. Pale pink seedless grapes ideal for eating early with slight tartness.
Crimson Seedless
Large red seedless berries on large bunches firm and crisp, with a neutral flavour. Mid season. Top supermarket variety.
Dawn Seedless
Early maturing attractive white seedless with medium size oval berries ripening mid January in medium to warm climates. Berry flesh is firm and meaty and palatable at low sugar content. The vines are low to medium in vigour.
Pink small berries, small compact bunches with tender skin and juicy sweet flesh. Early maturing.
A late ripening white table grape from France. It has a long growing season with high yield potential.
White seedless sultana type, small compact bunches on a low growing vine. Matures early.
Diamond Muscat
White seedless. The flavour is sweet, with a pleasant fruity, muscat flavour. The skin is medium thick and crunchy. Matures early, and maintains its muscat flavour when dried.
Early Green: a medium ripening white table grape from Iran. It has a medium growing season . Early maturing.
Early Muscat
Yellow green colour with medium size berries, strong muscat flavour. Matures early. Early season.
Emerald Seedless
Large berries, heavy bearer, white seedless that resembles Sultana. Early season.
A red Australian wine grape variety that is mainly grown as a table grape in South Australia and New South Wales but can be a blending component to fill out red blends. It is particularly well suited for hot climates.
Large crisp black berries with a mild flavour. Mid season.
Fantasy Seedless
Jet black seedless grape which ripens along with Sultana. The bunches are medium in size, with large oval shaped berries. Berries are bluish black with a light white bloom. Flavour is good with a sweet taste. Prefers cane pruning for maximum yield. Early-mid season.
Light yellow colour, medium round berries, distinct muscat flavour. Early seedless grape.
Flame Seedless
Medium solid round red berries that hold very well. Top early market variety. In glasshouse production Flame Seedless will ripen before Christmas.
Flame Tokay
Large red compact berries. Mid season.
Fresno Seedless
Yellow-white medium size berries. Juicy with distinct flavour on a large bunch. Earlymid season.
Fuji Muscat
Large yellow green berries. Mild muscat flavour, seeded. Mid season.
Black blue seedless, American flavoured. Early season.
Large oval, very sweet yellow berries. Mid season.
Golden Muscat
New intense flavoured Muscat from Italy
(White Muscat) Multi purpose table/wine/drying use. Early-mid season.
Grand Turk
Large bunches, round black. Mid season.
Henab Turki
Very large blush coloured berries which produces large bunches which have good keeping qualities. Matures mid-late in the season.
White seedless, pleasant spicy (nutmeg/clove) flavour. Early maturing
Black vigorous vine with strawberry flavour. Mid season.
Large, seeded, white oval berries, heavy bearing with a pleasant muscat flavour. Mid season.
Very large red berries, firm and crisp, large bunches. Mid season.
Large black passionfruit labruska flavour. Early-mid season.
Lady Finger
Large tapered pink berries, heavy crop with seeds. Mid season.
Malta Seedless
White oval seedless sultana type. Early to mid season.
Marroo Seedless
This is the first really large oval seedless berried solid black table grape. Marroo has good flavour. Matures mid season.
Menindee Seedless
White oval seedless sultana type berries. Matures early to mid season.
Merbein Seedless
White oval berries, seedless and slightly larger than Sultana. Early maturing.
Monukka Seedless
Seedless variety for the home gardener for wine and table use. Good fresh or for raisins. Excellent used as an ornamental, for summer shade, arbors, loves heat.
Moss Sultana
Seedless white oval berries. Early-mid season.
Muscat of Alexandria
Large white coloured berries of a fine flavour. Mid season.
New York Muscat
Muscat flavour, red-black seedless. Early season.
Ohanez Almeria
Large berry, white heavy cropper, firm and fleshy. Late maturing.
Opuzenska Rana
New release 2022 .a very early ripening red table grape from Serbia. It has a short growing season producing grapes earlier than most.
Pannonia Gold
Very sweet large round golden berries. Seeded variety. Early-mid season.
Perle de Csaba
Yellow medium round berries, with mild muscat flavour. Early maturing.
Sweet seedless white with a mild, aromatic flavour. Matures early.
Pink Lady Finger
Large tapered pink berries, heavy crop with seeds. Mid season.
Princess Black Muscat
Black oval shaped berries with superior muscat flavour. Mid season.
Purple Cornichon
(Black Lady Finger) Clusters of elongated berries, with thick purple skin and soft, juicy flesh and seeds. Mid-late maturing.
Queen of the Vineyard
Large round white berries on small open bunches. Mid season.
Oval reddish black seeded grape with a slight muscat flavour. Early-mid season.
Radmilovaski Muscat
A very early ripening white muscat flavoured table grape. It has a short growing season with medium yield potential.
Red Emperor
Large solid round red berries, excellent keeping qualities. Very late.
Red Globe
Produces very large bunches, bunch thinning needed for best quality fruit. Leaf removal around bunches 7-10 days before picking for a fuller bunch colour. Mid season.
Red Labruska
American strawberry flavoured. Mid season.
Red Malaga
Medium size, red seeded crisp berries. Neutral in flavour. Mid season.
Red Muscat
(Woods) red form of White Muscat. Mid season.
Red Prince
Large round solid berries. Early-mid season
Large, round, black seeded berries on large bunches. Mid season.
Seedless medium sized yellow green berries. Early season.
Ruby Seedless
Ruby red berries the shape and size of Sultana. Heavy cropper, good keeping qualities. Mid season.
Russian Seedless
Black seedless with large crisp oval berries. Early-mid season.
Long oval red berries, firm and fleshy, very attractive. Early-mid season.
Saturn Seedless
A seedless ruby coloured grape with pointed berries carried in small to medium bunches that bear heavily on medium vigour vines. The flavour is very distinctive. Early season.
Selma Pete
Selma Pete is an early white seedless grape. Berries are slightly larger than Thompson Seedless and ripen consistently with excellent sweetness.
Small round pink berries, muscat flavour. Earliest of all table grapes.
Suffolk Red
Large red berries on a loose bunch, seedless variety. Early season.
Sultana M12
Clonal selection of Sultana. Early maturing.
Sultana Seedless
Yellow-green oval seedless. Popular supermarket variety. Early maturing.
Summer Muscat
Early seedless white, with a sweet, strong muscat flavour, with good skin texture. This grape is also suitable for drying into raisins.
Thompson Seedless
Consistent heavy cropper, light yellow seedless berries with a soft berry skin and firm juicy pulp. Early maturing.
Seedless white crossing between White Muscat & Sultana. Early maturing.
Very attractive distinctive American flavoured red grape. Large seeded berries on tight bunches. Mid season.
American strawberry flavoured black seedless. Early maturing.
Waltham Cross
Large solid white seeded grape with firm skin and a firm, juicy pulp. Mid season.
White Crystal
Old white variety. Mid season.
White Lady Finger
Large solid long white berries, keeps well on the vine. Mid to late season.
White Muscat
Multipurpose table wine and drying use. Mid season.
Zante Currant
Small seedless black berries used for drying. Early maturing.
Vitis Vinifera Tinto
(Crimson Glory Vine) Ornamental common Glory Vine. (below)

Wine grapes
Alicante Bouschet
Boutique light red variety for Rose’ style wines.
Brown Muscat
Darkly coloured fruit, known elsewhere in the world as Muscat à Petits Grains Rouge . Tolerant of very hot summer days, and these grapes have developed a tolerance to the heat.
Robust red wines with intense fruit and enhanced tannic content
Cabernet Franc
Small black fruit maturing mid season. Premium red wine variety.
Cabernet Sauvignon
Small black fruit maturing mid season. Excellent red wine variety.
Used to produce deep red wines, rare Bordeaux variety.
Small white fruit maturing early.
Medium white fruit maturing mid season. European white wine vanety for dry white wines.
Large white fleshy fruit maturing mid season.
Medium black fruit maturing mid season. European red variety.
An ancient grape, with its history stretching back to the days of the Roman Empire, It is thought to be responsible for the wine known as Apianum.
Frontignac Black
Black berries with muscat flavour. Early-mid maturing.
Frontignac Red
Red berries with muscat flavour. Early maturing.
Frontignac White
White muscat flavour. Early-mid maturing
Small black juicy fruit maturing mid season.
lrsay Oliver
White grape with similar characteristics to Muscat.
Small black juicy fruit maturing early mid season. Red wine variety.
Medium sized black fruit maturing mid season. Red wine variety.
Small black seeded fruit maturing mid season.
Red Italian wine grape with full body and deep colour.
White wine variety. Small fruit maturing early mid season. Used for dessert wines.
Orange Muscat
Sweet tasting dessert grape. Well suited to hot regions. Matures mid season.
Considered as a very popular white wine grape variety from Italy. This grape grows in the Piacenza hills of the region of central northern Italy.
(Sweetwater). White. Mid season.
Pedro Ximenes
Sweet white wine variety, heavy bearer. Mid season.
Petit Verdot
Small black fruit maturing mid season.
Pinot Noir
Excellent red wine variety. Small black fruit maturing early.
Red grape. Also known as Zinfandel.
Rhine Riesling
Small white fruit. Matures early to mid season.
White wine grape.
Small black fruit maturing mid season.
Deeply coloured and usually high in acidity.
Sauvignon Blanc
Small white fruit maturing mid season.
Small white fruit maturing mid season.
Popular small black seeded juicy fruit matunng mid season.
Black grape widely grown to make full-bodied red wines.
Touriga Nacional
Portuguese red variety used to make port and also table wines.
White variety for Chablis style wine. Mid season.
White grape variety.
Premium white wine variety. Early season.

Black Muscat Grape

Chardonnay Grape

Marroo Seedless Grape

Red Sultana Grape

Thompson Seedless Grape

Zante Grape