Generosa Modern Shrub Roses from France
Another great French rose breeding family Guillot, who have pushed the boundaries in rose breeding. Ranging from low bushy almost groundcovers, to their range of shrub roses for hedging and mass planting right up to the wonderful climbing varieties. Strong perfumes, good disease resistance and masses of continuous flowering make these adapt well to the Australian climate.
(Right: 'William Christie' )
Generosa Modern Shrub Roses from France
CybelleDan Poncet
Emilien Guillot - 2008
Florence Delattre
Gee Whiz - 2014
Gelber Engel
Gene Tierney
Joelle marouani
Madame Paul Massad
Martine Guillot
Paul Bocuse
Sonia Rykiel
William Christie
We Will Remember Them
Heidi's Wedding Rose